Monday, December 03, 2012

Annoying men


what U feel when bila kita tanya or cakap something kat orang tu, dia ignore je, buat don't know je... sakit ati kan... 

masalah problem yang aku hadapi dengan sorang mamat nie, is it too hard to him to answers my question? juz answer me, my Q is not so hard answer what. 

he make me like invisible women in front of him, juz talk like usual, like we are in the same organization. 


I have to upgrade myself so he will see my capability. Yes, that the best way.. 


Sunday, December 02, 2012

Jiwa Kacau...

Hye u olls....

Hari ini aku rase macam nk bercerita dengan korang pasal seseorang yang aku kenal, and may be you know her too. she really something to me, we lough together, share story, kutuk mengutuk, we juz like best friend, and I admit she was my best friend. 

something special about her is she would never listen to others when she have make her decision, tidak ada sape pon boleh halang dia. even u give her money she would never change her decision. 

I admit that I love her, being her friend everyday make my study life happening. we do all thing together, even we entering same club, we really closed friend. I know her family, and I know detail of her. May be there is something that I don't about her and that was because she doesn't want to share or may be she think no reason to story it to me. but it's ok to me, as long as, she would never do wrong to me. 

Yang paling best sekali, aku dan dia suka semua benda yg sama. Not only thing, food, or accessories  we also liking same person, this the hardest park being as her friend. Once I say I like that person, simply she said she is.. when I say I love that guys style, then she would liking the same guy too.same with me too. 

It's hard for us to say no to something we like, right. that the situation when I know she like the same person I was admired. So terrible situation I have and it's hard to make decision. 

Perlu ke aku sacrificed my feeling to my best friend?? may be I will. 

p/s: I juz share this story to release tension when facing this situation. 

Monday, November 26, 2012

they inspired me

hye readers.......

dah lama ak x menongkah kat blog nie,,  rajin kejap je kan..

Aku kehilangan mood nak menaip bile tibe2 je line internet slow, ceit mmg la feel tu hilang, tapi nak buat cam mane kan, dah guna wifi U  so terima la kan. lau nak yang best2 beli line sendiri, baru laju semacam je, kerja plak yang lembab macam siput.. haha tu lah lumrah student.

hari ni entah nape macam dapat ilham je after baca blog kak solehah she inspire me , kak solehah ni ahli persatuan silat cekak malaysia (PSSCM). Aku kenal dy pon sebab join silat, mula2 ak kenal dy aku rasa dy ni 'arghhhhh she was so annoying' .... hahaha but now setalah kenal hati budi dy, she really a good sister.

Bercakap tentang PSSCM, in just a few month aku akan ambik ujian sijil redah (USR)..  siyes debor..  after pass USR baru lah kami betul boleh jd pendekar, #budgetjenakjadipendekar . lau setakat tamat tapi x ambik USR, PSSCM xiktiraf jd ahli persatuan, sedey kan. Walau apapon aku akan cuba untuk habis kan pengajian ak dlm PSSCM ni, sebab ak xnak belajar saje2 ak nak dapat ilmu yg betol leh jaga aku. bukan ilmu pertahankan diri je tau, tapi ilmu kehidupan dunia n also akhirat.

Korang rase ak cakap kosong ke??? ermm ak mungkin xberjaya lg, tp kebanyakan tenaga pengajar PSSCM really success in their life, they inspired me a lot. 

#belajar rajin la for sake of ur future. ^_^

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Agrotechnology Park, Cameron Highland

Assalamualaikum pembuka kata.. :)

Apakhabar semua?? :D 
Setelah seminggu menjalani latihan industri kat mardi cameron highland ni, and now, i can suggest you, MARDI Cameron Highland is a good place for us as agriculture student to have practical.

Macam-macam boleh buat kat sini, and u even can choose what u want know more, or what is your major. For example, if you are major on plant protection you can be in entomology department. there are nine section you can explore here if you are not pretty know what is you major on. And my choice is to explore all section because I'm not  really sure my major, that was because of my course is general, I as Biotechnology of Agriculture learn all subject related to plant, animal and even fish. :D 

I'm not even regret be one of biotechnology of agricultural student. 
seriusly.... :P

on the first week, friends and I, was place in temperate fruits section, GRAPES AND APPLE.
Masa kami sampat kat sini sangat tepat sekali, coz, sekerang ni, musim luruh di sub tropikal country, because of here there is no spring season, we artifically make spring season by removing all leave. 

before pruning... cantek lg

after pruning, botak terus... hahaha

abis daun di cantas, dahan2 semua....

pruning ni semua,adalah untuk bagi pokok ni stress bile dia stress baru berbunga
after berbuah, masak, pruning di lakukan lg...
selain bg stress, pruning ni untuk kawal ketinggian pokok,
sebab, apple n grapes ni adalah vigorous tree, 
ketinggiannya boleh capai mcm pokok rambutan,
besar sgt
since kat MARDI CH ni kan untuk pameran, 
so xyah la nak besar2..
lgpon pokok anggur di tanam dalam rain shelter
sebab ape duk dlm rain shelter?
sebab, kat cameron ni, takat hujan mencapai 2500mm per year
lebat owww...
hampir setiap hari hujan
so mana2 pokok pon xsesuai banyak hujan

sebab ni la, if korang datang cameron, hampir semua peladang gunakan rain shelter...
walau pon mahal benda tu.. huuhuh

kalau nak cite semua xhabis la kan...
semalam kami buat breeding...
pernah belajar n praktise buat masa kat u,
tp kat sini dia tambah 1 lg yg kami xbelajar iaitu, guna jiffi 7 peat pellet

jiffi 7

after rendam air... jd kembang cm ni

ni da dia tampal kat pokok... :D

k la... setakat ni je la... bye3...

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Bila janji tak ditepati

entry ni ak buat pendek-pendek je, 
ak na study plant  protect sebenarnya ni,
tpi oleh kerana ade la sorang makluk tu kan,
buat ak sakit ati
nak post kat fb, t ada plak org tahu ak marah kat makluk tu,

sebenarnya dr semalam lagi ak sakitt ati
tp dek kerana hari ni ak puasa ak maafkan la mula2 tu kan

nak di jadikan cerita
di baru je ak bukak  fb,
boleh plak dak tu update status dia kate 

dah jnji,p xckp pape,ajk pn x..pastu pgi sdri..xckp sepatah pon..sape xskit ati??! huh!"

boleh plak dia sakit ati dgn ak..
ak lg sakit ati...

sakit ati ak!!

semalam ak ajak baik2 je
da ckp nak g pagi, jalan kaki,
bile da ak ckp mcm tu makna nya ke awal la kan, untuk elak panas,
pagi tu ak lalu la bilik dy, tgk2 dy tydor lg,
sapa nak tunggu kan,
lau da  kite da siap nak pergi tp dy masih terbungkam atas katil,
ak pon ambil keputusan nak pergi sorang,

salah ke ak buat keputusan mcm tu???
lgpn dr semalam lg dy tu mcm nak x nak je bile ak ajak,

ak bukan rajin sgt tunggu org..


 lega dapat  cite, walaupon kat blog je~~~

tydor la dulu.. tenang kan hati~~~ 


eh... ambik wuduk solat la baru tenang,
jgn bersedih
sesungguhnya Allah ada bersama mu


p/s: lau nak mrh2 ak, selidik balik kenapa ak ambik tindakan tu 

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Peristiwa Isra' Mikraj

selamat hari Isra' mikraj :D

< ciplak gambar org, malas nak buat sendiri.. muahahahha >

Aku rasa semua orang tahukan apa itu isra' mikraj,
dari sekolah rendah hingga la sekarang setiap tahun ade sambutan Isra' Mikraj,
Isra' Mikraj berlaku pada 27 rejab
Allah membawa Rasullulah SAW naik ke berjumpa-Nya dalam satu malam,
di ceritakan nabi Muhammad menungan Buraq, sejenis binatang yang kelajuannya mencapai
lajuaan cahaya,
pastinya korang tahukan berapa lajunya cahaya,
mestilah tahukan, semua belajar fisik,  :P

Nabi Muhammad di bawa berjumpa para rasul, menaiki hingga kelangit ke-7,
di ceritakan di dalam alQuran, langit mempunyai 7 lapisan,
surah mana?? sorry lupe la,  = ='

banyak peristiwa yang berlaku selama satu malam perjalanan Nabi Muhammad naik ke langit,
setakat ni je la aku dapat cite,
nak lagi detail??
jom menjengah sini

aku letak sekali pengajaran dari Ibrah Israk Mikraj 
<klik gambar tu paparan jebih jelas ^_^>

sempena Israk Mikraj elok lah kita perbanyakkan 
amalan-amalan sunat 
solat sunat tasabih
puasa sunat
berselawat ke atas junjungan Nabi Muhammad SAW
etc. :D

selamat beramal ^_^

p/s: semoga kita semua sebagai ummat Islam dapat mengambil iktibar drpd peristiwa ini :)

last paper

selamat pagi, ~sesuai la kan ak ucap selamat pagi da sebab ak post entry nie kul 1.30 am.. hehehe

baru habis buat group discussion with my best friend, ida, and my kakak, am...
These two girls have me a lot in study of plant protection, ye la next tomorrow we gonna have last paper and 
I can't wait for it :D

the girl in pink scaft is my Kakak.. :D

the girl in blue blouse is my BFF, :P

My beloved lecture En Hailmi Sajili teach us plant protection and I like the way of his thinking, genius la katakan
And we absolutely bertuah dapat belajar dengan beliau, 
but sedikit terkilan apabila En Hailmi gonna left us soon..
He gonna go aboard to further study,

terkilan bukan ape, sebab our faculty have left a dedicate lecture, and 
for us, we do not have chance to make FYP with him
walaupun, katanya 
"FYP dgn sy susah"
but sebab susah la banyak yang dapat km pelajari...

However it is,
I wish U will finish your Ph.d and come back with title Dr. :D

En Hailmi and my classmate

Under Construction

My blog cik sueriya thinking is under construction,

Guess what, I have editing my blog during my final exam. I'm not sure why I was really serious on editing this blog, hope this will give you and me something in future :P 

I'm so sorry because of my clumsy blog, I have another one paper and absolutely, I will continue editing my blog right after that :D 

Oh ya, 
next week I will start my practical in Cameron Highland, 
I will keep update my activities and I will make sure you will love it (*koyanyer cik sueriya :P  )

and I, memang x sabar nak pergi Cameron and work there ^_^
~~*sabar cik sue sabar~
hope Allah will help me :)

p/s: selalu-selalu lah menjegah blog cik sueriaya ye... :D

Friday, June 15, 2012


setelah lama I want make new blog, then today I make it. :D

hello semua!!
last time I have my blog, but seem I'm not comfortable with it so make new blog, :)
Hope with my new blog, I can share about my thinking, my study, and anything to my mind.
Hope U all will like it.
You're free to follow me as you wish, 
Give me  comments, so I can Improve my blog..

peace . :D

~Cik Sueriya wishing you, best of luck :) ~