Assalamualaikum pembuka kata.. :)
Apakhabar semua?? :D
Setelah seminggu menjalani latihan industri kat mardi cameron highland ni, and now, i can suggest you, MARDI Cameron Highland is a good place for us as agriculture student to have practical.
Macam-macam boleh buat kat sini, and u even can choose what u want know more, or what is your major. For example, if you are major on plant protection you can be in entomology department. there are nine section you can explore here if you are not pretty know what is you major on. And my choice is to explore all section because I'm not really sure my major, that was because of my course is general, I as Biotechnology of Agriculture learn all subject related to plant, animal and even fish. :D
I'm not even regret be one of biotechnology of agricultural student.
seriusly.... :P
on the first week, friends and I, was place in temperate fruits section, GRAPES AND APPLE.
Masa kami sampat kat sini sangat tepat sekali, coz, sekerang ni, musim luruh di sub tropikal country, because of here there is no spring season, we artifically make spring season by removing all leave.
before pruning... cantek lg
after pruning, botak terus... hahaha
abis daun di cantas, dahan2 semua....
pruning ni semua,adalah untuk bagi pokok ni stress bile dia stress baru berbunga
after berbuah, masak, pruning di lakukan lg...
selain bg stress, pruning ni untuk kawal ketinggian pokok,
sebab, apple n grapes ni adalah vigorous tree,
ketinggiannya boleh capai mcm pokok rambutan,
besar sgt
since kat MARDI CH ni kan untuk pameran,
so xyah la nak besar2..
lgpon pokok anggur di tanam dalam rain shelter
sebab ape duk dlm rain shelter?
sebab, kat cameron ni, takat hujan mencapai 2500mm per year
lebat owww...
hampir setiap hari hujan
so mana2 pokok pon xsesuai banyak hujan
sebab ni la, if korang datang cameron, hampir semua peladang gunakan rain shelter...
walau pon mahal benda tu.. huuhuh
kalau nak cite semua xhabis la kan...
semalam kami buat breeding...
pernah belajar n praktise buat masa kat u,
tp kat sini dia tambah 1 lg yg kami xbelajar iaitu, guna jiffi 7 peat pellet
jiffi 7
after rendam air... jd kembang cm ni
ni da dia tampal kat pokok... :D
k la... setakat ni je la... bye3...
laju post byk2 terus
ReplyDeletesalam kak. saya nak tye..akak hantar terus resume ke akak col dulu mardi ni ?
ReplyDeletetempat tinggal dy bgi ke akak kne bayar gak ?
ReplyDeletekalau course engineering agriculture boleh x apply dekat MARDI?
ReplyDeletekalau course engineering agriculture boleh x apply dekat MARDI?
ReplyDeleteAs salam.. penginapan utk student praktikal disediakan tak ye.
ReplyDeleteCan food technology student apply for internship over there
ReplyDeleteMenariknya. Nak tanya lebih lanjut pasal ape yang korang belajar haritu boleh?
ReplyDeleteHai apa khabar? Im a industrial biotech student. Many of my friends want to apply their intership programme more to microbiology but I have intention otherwise. I am interest to green technology and ready to learn more about the course. With some basics knowledge of industrial biotech, I wish my interest and my course (industrial biotech) work along.
ReplyDeleteAny suggestion or some advice for me? TQ
Hai kak, maaf nak tanya berkenaan pengalaman akak intern di agrotech. Apa kemudahan yg pihak agrotech bagi kpd student intern ni contoh mcm tempat tinggal ke?
ReplyDeleteHai...boleh tak saya nak tahu dengan lebih mendalam skop2 kerja sebagai intern dekat sana? Please free to contact me