Monday, December 03, 2012

Annoying men


what U feel when bila kita tanya or cakap something kat orang tu, dia ignore je, buat don't know je... sakit ati kan... 

masalah problem yang aku hadapi dengan sorang mamat nie, is it too hard to him to answers my question? juz answer me, my Q is not so hard answer what. 

he make me like invisible women in front of him, juz talk like usual, like we are in the same organization. 


I have to upgrade myself so he will see my capability. Yes, that the best way.. 


Sunday, December 02, 2012

Jiwa Kacau...

Hye u olls....

Hari ini aku rase macam nk bercerita dengan korang pasal seseorang yang aku kenal, and may be you know her too. she really something to me, we lough together, share story, kutuk mengutuk, we juz like best friend, and I admit she was my best friend. 

something special about her is she would never listen to others when she have make her decision, tidak ada sape pon boleh halang dia. even u give her money she would never change her decision. 

I admit that I love her, being her friend everyday make my study life happening. we do all thing together, even we entering same club, we really closed friend. I know her family, and I know detail of her. May be there is something that I don't about her and that was because she doesn't want to share or may be she think no reason to story it to me. but it's ok to me, as long as, she would never do wrong to me. 

Yang paling best sekali, aku dan dia suka semua benda yg sama. Not only thing, food, or accessories  we also liking same person, this the hardest park being as her friend. Once I say I like that person, simply she said she is.. when I say I love that guys style, then she would liking the same guy too.same with me too. 

It's hard for us to say no to something we like, right. that the situation when I know she like the same person I was admired. So terrible situation I have and it's hard to make decision. 

Perlu ke aku sacrificed my feeling to my best friend?? may be I will. 

p/s: I juz share this story to release tension when facing this situation.